Join me in the #100DaysOfWeb3 challenge - Learn together
Alexander Kallaway created the #100DaysOfCode challenge to encourage people to learn to code on a regular basis. As part of the challenge, you must devote one hour per day to learning to code and share your progress on Twitter. This challenge was a huge success. More information about this challenge can be found here. It doesn't stop there; people gradually began to create their own challenges, such as #100DaysOfUIUX, #100DaysOfPython, #100DaysOfCSS, and many others. #100DaysOfWeb3 is one of those challenges.
Join me in the challenge
I'm going to approach this challenge a little differently. Rather than sharing my daily progress, I will share the topics I learn in the form of tweets or threads on a daily basis. So please follow me on Twitter - @rakesh_at_tweet. I'm publicly committing to this challenge for the next 100 days (which may or may not be consecutive) and will make sure you learn something new every day.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="zxx" dir="ltr"><a href="https://t.co/ej4KhwjFlR">https://t.co/ej4KhwjFlR</a></p>— Rakesh Potnuru (@rakesh_at_tweet) <a href="https://twitter.com/rakesh_at_tweet/status/1532584019158011904?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 3, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>The Plan
If you also want to do this along with me here's my small research work.
- Basic Frontend knowledge - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (React will be helpful)
| Days | Topic | | --------------------- | ----------------- | | Day 1 - 14 (2 weeks) | Blockchain basics | | Day 15 - 34 (19 days) | Solidity | | Day 35 - 44 (9 days) | Hardhat | | Day 45 - 49 (4 days) | Web3.js | | Day 50 - 54 (4 days) | IFPS / Filecoin | | Day 55 - Day 100 | Not planned yet |
Join communities
Communities are great places to learn and build together. Some of the web3 communities I know.
Let's get started 💫